Making A Difference
Touching lives with world-class brands
A pioneer in innovative storage products, Tupperware has grown into a trusted and respected global entity. Established over 60 years ago, its presence has made a significant difference in the lives and homes of millions the world over. In 2005, Tupperware Corporation changed its name to Tupperware Brands Corporation to reflect its increasing product diversity, in-line with its corporate strategy to add premium consumable items to the product category mix
Today, Tupperware Brands continues to break new grounds as a multi-brand, multi-category, direct sales conglomerate with an attractive and rewarding business opportunity. It strives to make a difference in the lives of women in the communities in which it operates, by offering them the opportunity to better their lives and create a positive impact on their families.
Our Guiding Philosophy
Tupperware Brands believes in “Changing Lives, One At A Time”. We effectively carry out this endeavor through the years by enlightening, educating and empowering both our consumers and consultants.
To our consumers - We want to provide better home solutions to make their lives easier in today’s hectic lifestyle.
To our sales force - We want to provide opportunities that enrich their lives to ultimately make it better.
Tupperware Brands believes in “Changing Lives, One At A Time”. We effectively carry out this endeavor through the years by enlightening, educating and empowering both our consumers and consultants.
To our consumers - We want to provide better home solutions to make their lives easier in today’s hectic lifestyle.
To our sales force - We want to provide opportunities that enrich their lives to ultimately make it better.
Provide products, knowledge and insights that make life simpler and more enjoyable for families.
Provide products, knowledge and insights that make life simpler and more enjoyable for families.
Provide smart, simple solutions that enable customers to save time, money and effort while leading active, healthy lives.
Provide smart, simple solutions that enable customers to save time, money and effort while leading active, healthy lives.
Promote secure and joyful living by maximizing the ease and quality of daily life
Promote secure and joyful living by maximizing the ease and quality of daily life
In the course of Tupperware history, there have been many factors that have come together to contribute to the name becoming a successful global brand. One factor that stands out among the rest, however, is design.
It is the Tupperware design that has, and continues to inspire people and win their life-long loyalty. But the testimony to Tupperware usage is best found in the millions of homes worldwide. Responding to the philosophy of finding the ultimate use of space and function, Tupperware has brought order to the modern home and kitchen by introducing a delightful range of storage systems and utensils.
Tupperware is listed as one of the greatest inventions of the 20th Century by the Guinness Book of World Records and was also named one of the six most extraordinary designed products of the century by Fortune magazine.
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